Weight: 18lbs
Height: 27.5"
Using the Pampers growth chart, that puts her around 90th percentile for height! But only 75th for weight. String bean.
Still drinking 5.5-6oz bottles of breastmilk. Since she stares us down and gives us the best sassy face if we ever thinking about eating in front of her and not sharing [which for the record, we don't share since she's too little for almost everything, we just feel terrible like we are dangling bacon in front of a puppy] we have added a second 2oz. baby food meal every day! In addition to 2oz dinner at home, she's getting a brunch/lunch meal at daycare and on the weekends. She does very well with normal spoon-feeding or from our Boon Squirt Silicone Feeder.
Foods we have tried & liked: Sweet potatoes, Carrots, Squash, Peas, Green beans, Prunes, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Spinach, Bananas, Pears
"Real"food she's used as teethers: Whole baby dill pickles, plain unsalted French fry, carrot sticks [guess which one of those Daddy offered....]
Foods we have tried & hated: Apples, Peaches
No such luck with a sippy cup yet.
Still great! Although some congestion over the past week has had her a little off the norm. She's getting very attached to a couple of her little blankeys--especially the green one above because she loves the silk tags. She also loves a silky one with a baby doll attached to it from her Grandma & Grandpa. She rubs the silk on her nose as she sucks her thumb. We don't let her sleep with one in her crib, but whenever she's napping she's usually in her bouncy seat or stroller and we let her have it.
Still great! Although some congestion over the past week has had her a little off the norm. She's getting very attached to a couple of her little blankeys--especially the green one above because she loves the silk tags. She also loves a silky one with a baby doll attached to it from her Grandma & Grandpa. She rubs the silk on her nose as she sucks her thumb. We don't let her sleep with one in her crib, but whenever she's napping she's usually in her bouncy seat or stroller and we let her have it.
She is getting so close to crawling! She's not doing as much of her inchworm technique anymore...she's figured out that she needs to be up on her arms, and she's started to get up on her knees...it's just getting the coordination down to make it all work together that she's still working on. For now, she tries, tries, and then gives up and rolls.
Still obsessed with her jumperoo. She also loves her One Two Squeeze blocks. She is very inquisitive--her favorite parts of toys are the parts that "make things work" or the speaker where sound comes out, more so than the fun decorative parts of toys. If anything has a silk tag on it, she is in love. She especially likes burp cloths because she discovered that they have a large silk tag.
She loves to copy sounds, and now says/does the following:
"Da da da da da"
"Ma ma ma ma ma"
"Ba ba ba ba"
"Ta ta ta ta"
Lots of little blabber conversations with herself and with us. She doesn't really associate any of that with specific things, she just likes making those sounds and will copy a lot of the time if we do them. She sort of knows that DaDa is associated with Jake and MaMa is associated with me, but I'm not sure if she gets it that that's our names. She definitely knows her own name and will give a big smile when we say it!
Size 3...I feel like we'll be here for a while.
Mostly 6-9 months.
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Grandparent's Day Handprint Crafts! |
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Being baptized, held by her Godmother :) |
--Saying "Mamamamamama"
--Being Baptized!
--Saying "Mamamamamama"
--Being Baptized!
--Watched her first UGA football game
--First handprint crafts