Well, first let's start with the update from my doctor.
Hydronephrosis confirmed, and the safest way to move forward is pretty much do nothing. They can put in a stint to help my kidney drain, however in pregnant women stints need to be replaced every 4-6 weeks. That means having several surgeries between now and the time I give birth--no thank you. The stints also tend to cause more discomfort in pregnant women, and have been known to cause pre-term labor--again,
no thank you! I'm perfectly fine with managing and dealing with the pain if that means little miss gets to cook all the way! So, course of treatment now is a follow-up renal ultrasound of my kidneys and bladder in 6 weeks so that they can make sure the dilation is not getting to unsafe levels. Over the past two weeks I have learned certain things that help the pain to subside and have been able to manage it pretty well. I just plan to continue with that so that I don't need to resort to any pain medication. I'm allow to take Tylenol but I'm not crazy about putting medicine like that in my body that will get to the baby.
So, on to more fun and exciting things, let's take a look back at Halloween:
Pretty cute for being thrown together in about 5 minutes, huh?
I had several costume ideas but procrastinated a bit and put this together at the last minute by cutting up some old
cotton t-shirts and pinning it to the outfit I wore that day. |
And now a peek at the Nursery progress:
Room cleaned out, floor mopped, rug laid down, diaper shower goodies brought upstairs, and washed all of the baby clothes that we have so far. The two green and two clear plastic bins in the picture above need to go up into the attic, but we did not have our ladder so couldn't get that done this past weekend.
We also changed out the electrical duplex in our hallway upstairs [to the left of the nursery door]. All we need it for is one plug-in to vacuum, so we put in one of these:
LED Nightlight and Receptacle |
For about $9.00 at Home Depot, we got this nifty receptacle. The nightlight has a sensor so when it is a certain level of darkness it turns on, which will help tremendously during
all-hours-of-the-night trips to the nursery so that I don't have to turn on any brighter lights in the hallway.
While that
was an exciting purchase, that's not the one this post title is about. No, that would be Ryleigh's "coming home" outfit!!! I'm
a little obsessed with paisley and mint green, and this cute little set was too perfect to pass up [
plus it comes with a cute little bunny rattle]...
Also, two good sales going on right now for you mommas and mommas-to-be! Apparently, with the code
THANKSGIVING you get five free pairs of baby leg warmers at
www.babyleggings.com, you just pay $12.95 shipping. The other is at
www.Crazy8.com, where they are doing a B1G1 for 88 cents! This is only for regular priced merchandise, but you can still get some great deals.
That's all for now!