Whoa hello 3rd trimester! I can't believe we are already a week in, and that I'm going to be 30 weeks next week! That number just makes me feel like I'm sooo far along!
Had my Glucose test this morning for my 28/29 week appointment. I guess it wasn't quite as horrible as I had built it up to be, but it was still pretty nasty. I took the first sip of my drink [I had the red one] and thought "well, maybe this won't be so bad" because it tasted like really strong Hawaiian Punch. However, by the time I got to the bottom of that bottle I was questioning if I'd be able to hold it down for an hour! I was told to put it in the refrigerator so that it tasted better, but I think that made it thicken a little. Yuck--makes me gag just thinking about it again.
Everything else at the appointment seemed good! Measuring on track, baby's strong heartbeat at 143 bpm, and got my T-dap [whooping cough] vaccine. Also found out yesterday at my follow-up renal ultrasound--for checking my kidneys/Hydronephrosis--that baby girl is head-down. Of course, it's early and she could still move, but that's a good sign for being on track for a "normal" delivery.
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Me & hubs before my company Christmas dinner last weekend :) |
How far along? 29 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: +20lbs...little bit of a jump in the past month! Let's blame it on Thanksgiving....
Maternity clothes? All the time! With a couple pre-prego shirts and sweaters mixed in, although those options are starting to dwindle because they won't fully cover my belly. [And let's be honest--some of Jake's sweatpants and shirts for comfy lounge clothes and pajamas!]
Sleep: This past week, pretty terrible. I think it's a combination of being extra tired from the weather, a growing baby, Jake's crazy work schedule last week, the dogs being unsettled because of the weird work schedule, lots of things to do.....I guess I've probably over-done it a bit. I just can't seem to get comfortable, my kidneys have been acting up again [but still not as painful as 6 weeks ago-thankfully!], I've had more back pain from my ever-growing belly.....the list goes on. I'm just glad that although I toss and turn all night long, the sleep I do get is pretty darn good--like when you've only been asleep for 45 minutes, wake up/toss & turn, and feel like it's been 5 hours--so I'm not walking around like a zombie all day.
Best baby moment this week: Feeling her STRONG kicks. Some so hard that they move my whole body. Jake was talking to my belly the other night, and she kicked so hard my belly hit him in the face! haha...Also, had a great time Black Friday shopping! I found some great deals on things like picture frames and a bookcase for her nursery :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? Being able to sit down and get up quickly...being able to sleep on my back or my stomach...putting on socks or underwear without difficulty...
Movement: tons
Food cravings: Still pasta. Always TONS of milk, chocolate milk, and juice! Ice cream/milkshakes--not necessarily a craving but it's the only thing that seems to help my terrible indigestion/acid reflux or whatever it is.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The drink for my glucose test made me super queasy. I think the worst part was having to have an empty stomach.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes :)
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: No, and better not for a while!
Belly Button in or out? In, but getting a little shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but some days it's a little snug.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy/tired. I do get emotional over sad/sweet things. My lack of sleep has made me a little moody/irritable this past week though.
Looking forward to: Childbirth class, Christmas, and getting the crib set up!
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