Weight: 14lbs 9.5oz
Height: 26" pretty tall! I think that puts her like 95th percentile
Head Circumference: 16.25"

We have moved up to 5-5 1/2 oz bottles, still breastmilk. I usually do make her one bottle a day that is an ounce less for before bedtime, since she tends to fall asleep before she finishes the normal size bottle. She is eating about 30-35oz a day. We introduced Organic Brown Rice cereal and Ryleigh was loving to get to eat "food" from a spoon. She's been staring us down when we eat dinner and more recently adding lip smacking and "mmmhmmmmhmm" noises the whole time she watches us eat. On our anniversary we got Cheesecake Factory to go and while I was eating my piece of cheesecake she literally followed the fork with her eyes for every single one of my bites. I felt terrible, like we were teasing her, so we let her try some all-natural Sweet Potatoes and let me tell you--baby girl is a fan! She's clearly not taking after mommy or daddy for this one because neither one of us can stand sweet potatoes. Our plan is to introduce a new flavor on Saturdays or Sundays as breakfast/lunch so that we can watch her all day to make sure she doesn't have a reaction to it. Then she will get it for dinner when we get home from work during the week. Sometimes we mix with rice cereal and sometimes just serve it plain.
Nothing has poked through yet but we've got some little bumps where the gums are getting pushed up. We handle her teething pain with frozen teethers, Baby Orajel Naturals, Tylenol, and/or distraction...If we hold her and walk her around/bounce she calms down a little bit but still knaws on her hands. We got her Hazelaid necklace and shes worn it a few times but I think it would be better on a baby who can sit up on their own. I don't like how it can lay under her little double chin when she's being supported sitting. We have shelved that for the next couple months until she can wear it again.
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One of my favorite pictures ever! The perfect shot of the two of them :) |
...through the night!! Whoop whoop! No change since last month. We've found our morning routine goes a little smoother if we put her to bed in her onesie that she will wear the next day [plus her sleep sack]. That way when she doesn't want to be messed with in the morning because she's tired, we just do a quick diaper change and throw on some shorts.
Always! Her little legs never stop moving. She is a master at rolling from belly-to-back, and she's rolled back-to-belly a few times. She attempts it a lot, but often can't figure out how to get her arm out from under her to complete the full roll. She has also discovered Kona this month! Baby girl loves her fluffy white dog. She has pretty much zero interest in Reece, but the second Kona is within view she is smiling at him and reaching out for him.
We are in the process of moving to Size2 diapers...still Pampers and Luvs.
She's mostly 3-6 month sizes, but she can still fit into a couple brands 3 month size for shorts/skirts and onesies.
--attended 1st wedding
--tried first foods - rice cereal and sweet potatoes
--attended first real sporting event [Charlotte Knights game w/mommy's networking group family night]
--Rolled back to belly
--Rolled belly to back
--Celebrated 1st Father's Day....with your first sports jersey [ATL Braves]!
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