Tuesday, August 19, 2014



 Weight:  17lbs 3oz
Height:  26.75"
Head Circumference:  17"

 Ryleigh now drinks 5.5-6oz bottles of breastmilk.  We have given her a little bit of water, to which she's very perplexed at what we are allowing her to drink.  This started mainly because of being slack and instead of wanting to heat up just a little bit of milk to mix her medicine into, I used some water [about 1 oz].  She accepted it, so we've done that 2 or 3 times since.  She also has fun playing in the shower with Daddy [which we do to try to clear out her congested nose], which mainly consists of her sticking her tongue out to try to eat the "raindrops".  It's so funny to watch. She eats about 34-36oz a day.  She also gets one meal a day of baby food.  She has now tried quite a few different things!  Her favorites seem to be sweet potatoes and carrots.  She also likes squash, peas, and green beans.  She will tolerate bananas and prunes.  She hates apples and peaches.  WHAT?! I know.  How is this my child? Who would have thought a baby would like her veggies more than fruit?  Interesting I guess.  She will still tolerate apples if I mix them with either rice cereal or another food, like sweet potatoes.  She has calmed down a bit with her pace of eating.  She will eat the whole 2 oz container, but she will actually take time to swallow now, I guess because the "newness" of eating food and eating from a spoon has worn off.  She is very good about knowing the routine when we sit her in her highchair.  She also likes to try to lick the wash cloth when I clean her up afterwards.  She wants to eat every little morsel I guess, haha.  At restaurants or cookouts, she very much enjoys to use carrot sticks and pickles as teethers!

I'm also trying to start the sippy cup transition, but not having great luck so far. 

Nothing has poked through yet! I'm thinking that this will be the month...her bottom, right front tooth seems to be right there below the surface of her gums.  We'll see!

Still great at night.  She's actually been napping a little more lately, I'm thinking due to a growth spurt.  We will be moving up to Medium size sleep sacks soon!

My little jumping bean.  She loves to jump.  In her jumperoo, in someone's lap, wherever she can.  Her little legs are getting quite strong and she will stand for longer lengths of time before she finally decides she's tired.  She has a new little move that I fondly refer to as "the inchworm".  She wants to crawl so badly, but she can't quite figure it out.  She will kick her legs for a while, then realize she isn't going anywhere so she brings her butt up in the air, then uses her arms to pull herself forward [by grabbing onto her playmat or whatever she's laying on] to move herself forward, i.e. inchworm style.  She's so proud when she realizes she's moved forward a couple inches.

Currently in the middle of a transition to Size 3!  We like to put her in Luvs Extra Absorbent [especially at night], Pampers swaddlers, or Target brand. 

She can fit into 3-6 month size, but we've been sizing her up to 6-9 month onesies for added length a lot of the time.  I'm sure we will do the full transition soon.

--Attempt at crawling
--Reaching and grasping for things
--Tried fruit [and hated it]
--Head cold ["boogergirl" became the nickname!]
--Leaning and reaching for someone to hold her [usually Daddy!]
--hugging our necks when we hold/carry her.
--Saying "Da da da da da da da da da da" constantly and about everything.  Haven't quite connected that sound to Daddy yet though!


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