Three more days until Vegas, so here is some fun info regarding 3's....
Three names I go by:
1. Stacey/Stace
2. Dolly (from my momma)
3. Woober/Woob/Wooberina (from my family, after my "wooby blanket" when I was little)
Three Jobs I've had in my life:
1. AutoCAD Assistant
2. Kitchen & Bath Designer
3. Office Furniture Salesperson
Three Places I have lived:
1. Reading, PA
2. Florence, SC
3. Rock Hill, SC
Three Favorite Drinks:
1. Water
2. Coffee
3. Amaretto Sour
TV Shows I currently watch:
1. The Voice
2. Real Housewives of New Jersey
3. Giuliana and Bill
Three Places I have been:
1. Greece
2. Grand Canyon
3. soon to be VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!
Three Favorite foods:
1. Hummus
2. Ice Cream
3. Shrimp anything
Three things that are always by my side:
1. Phone
2. Pen/marker/some form of writing utensil
3. Chapstick
Three things I am looking forward to:
1. VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Summertime (being able to enjoy it since I'm not working wkends anymore)
3. Jake & my 1 year wedding anniversary :)
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