I've been trying to figure out what type of wedding ring I want this weekend. It is hard, there are so many options! It's also very weird to look down at my hand when I am used to just seeing my engagement ring, and then seeing another ring with it. Everything I tried on yesterday seemed "too much" because it made my ring look so much bigger than I am used to. Jake and I are going to go pick out our rings next week, so hopefully I will figure it out between now and then!
I'm also looking forward to my brother visiting us this week, and Easter weekend! It's going to be a very busy but fun week.
Also, an update on the wedding--I did the individual section of our premarital counselling yesterday, and Jake has to do is individual section now. Once we have that completed, it will give our Pastor the key points to discuss with us about our relationship.
Okay and lastly before I get to bed, look how cute little one was today:

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